My tips for staying on fire for God:
Plug in to the right sockets to get your 'power' source, often the least flashy one, find your ways, mine are walking in nature and gratitude.
Read God's word - Music - Singing - Writing - Dancing - Praying - Creating
If you find it hard to read his word, because you are wired differently, find some worship music that declares some of his truths from the bible, or a mediation app that repeats scriptures, find a way.
His word cuts through the enemies lies like a sword
I used to suffer from chronic anxiety from around 13 years old, I learned the only and ONE way to over come my anxiety, in my 30s, from an elder at our church.
He taught me to declare scriptures over and over out loud before an attack got too bad.
I am unlucky if I have one attack in a year now - and when I do I know what to do
Chat to Jesus like a bestie, like the best bestie because he never tells my secrets to anyone
He made me, so if I am broken I go to him for help
Find a way to KNOW his truth in a world that will tell you what it wants you to hear
We get to choose, God gave us choices, every single day
We are in a battle of dark and light, good and evil, both want your hearts and minds as much as each other, in fact the devil wants it more
If you have plugged into the wrong power outlet for a bit, fallen for the devils schemes, it is OK - forgive yourself, God already has, you have the choice to pull out and find the right socket.
Praying doesn't have to be hard or technical, God hears our small voices in the dark places, plugging in sometimes is just a small voice that says " God I need you, I can't do this alone, I don't want to do this alone"
Put on the FULL and powerful armour
He gives us the authority to go to battle as long as we have his armour on
Be on Gods army, he needs all of us to fulfil his purpose, God is good all the time, all the time he is good.
If you have trouble believing God is real, pray for and ask others to pray for your own personal encounter with him, then be open to what comes and willing to share when it happens, give him the glory.
I have had healings right at the moment I needed to 'hear' from God. Sometimes the healing or miracle has nothing to do with what I am asking for or going through, it was more about my faith and knowing God is there with me.
I have had a 3rd degree burn healed overnight
I have had an invisible protective shield drop down in front of me when I was about to be attacked
I have had a child healed from a life threatening illness
I have had a demon leave my body and felt the instant lightness of God
All of these things are what I go back to when I am wavering in my believe, they were all blessings and gifts from God to keep me going on this journey, keep me believing in him and seeking more of him.
What you focus on grows, if we feed negativity, we grow that, if we feed our faith, that grows.